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Showing posts from May, 2013

Eating in season: Cherries

Cherries make me happy! Seriously, I'm sure there's some science behind why Cherries give me a giddy feeling that is virtually unshakable but that's a whole other article, someday! Today, after a long hiatus (as usual) I am back to share a super yummy recipe I made today. Back story, after my awesome weight loss of 60+ pounds last year I have been on the steady climb back upwards due to not doing my exercises and not counting those calories. I've been back at it again the last few months trying to make it more of a lifestyle change to avoid back slide. So, as part of my new revamped healthy lifestyle, I have added in health smoothies to my diet. Last time it was tea, that was nice and no cal but I have gotten a bit bored with that and this has fit the bill nicely. I have been busy pinning recipe after recipe on Pinterest so it's no surprise this morning when I decided to make a smoothie for breakfast that I opened it up and cruised my board for a tasty healthy ...