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As I cruised the aisles in Costco the other day, I found a happy surprise, FIGS! My grandmother had a huge fig tree in her yard way back in the day. I rememeber eating them fresh off their tree with their fascinating flavor. I was curious, with my adult palette, how I would like figs now. So, I bought them up. Summer is in full swing here so they were forced to sit in my fridge awaiting a day when I arose early enough to fire up the stove to make the following recipes. I'm so glad I did! I found a great way to use my homemade bread I had frozen and waiting for its chance to become Bruschetta. The recipe,  Bruschetta with blue cheese and roasted figs , is in both Polish and English. Scroll down for the english. (Hint: Bake at 400 degrees).  Fig and Blue Cheese Bruschetta Recipe number two was very similar save the addition of Prosciuttio and the omission of the bread. Here is the recipe I used, Prosciutto Roasted Figs Recipe .  I think would be great fall appitizers
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Miss me?!

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